A counter-cultural reminder for the military wife…
- When your husband is home, but mentally, he is still at work, choose to LOVE him anyway.
- When the military throws a wrench in your plans, choose JOY instead of anger.
- When you have a falling out with a friend, choose PEACE over retaliation.
- When you have only seen glimpses of your husband due to a crazy and demanding work schedule, choose PATIENCE rather than instigating a conflict.
- When a question on the spouses’ Facebook page quickly escalates, choose KINDNESS instead of tearing others down.
- When your heart feels hardened by the struggles of military life, choose to trust His GOODNESS.
- When excuses convince you that you don’t need a church home at your current duty station, choose FAITHFULNESS and disregard those excuses.
- When it’s been a long deployment, and your kids are acting out again, choose GENTLENESS when responding to their behavior.
- When chatting with your neighbors, turns from good conversation to gossip, choose SELF-CONTROL, and excuse yourself from the conversation.
Military wife, we always have a choice. Our choices will affect the outcome of any situation.
But let’s be honest; we all struggle to make the correct choice.
Although we may look at our failures with regret, there is still hope.
We can bring our failures to Jesus and repent.
His grace is never-ending.
When we nail our sinful nature to the cross, the transformational ability to choose correctly occurs…
I pray that you choose to react in LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL rather than what our society deems normal.
By doing this, we reflect Christ instead of our natural sinful nature. With Christ in us and the Holy Spirit actively working in our lives, the desires of our hearts should look different from the norm.
As we pursue Him and lay our sinful desires aside, the fruit the Holy Spirit produces in us is vastly different (i.e., The Fruits of the Spirit). Through this process, we are becoming more like Him.
Galatians 5:24-25 – “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.”